Next Abacus Academy OT CPD bathing webinar to focus on sensory integration

Abacus Specialist Bathroom Solutions, in association with The OT Service, will be presenting its latest free Abacus Academy CPD Webinar for Occupational Therapists entitled: “Bridging the gap in sensory integration using bathing – challenges and opportunities.”

Bridging the gap in sensory integration using bathing – challenges and opportunities

LIVE with OT Q&A: Wednesday 25th May 2022, 12 noon – 1pm. 

To book a free space on the webinar click here
A secure video link will be sent prior to the event. CPD certificates will be available to all attendees.


The webinar will provide a comprehensive overview of sensory processing that is relevant for occupational therapists with a wide-ranging level of experience.  There will be a review of how information is interpreted and the impact of sensory seeking or avoidance on everyday activity.  Bathing will be used as the example to consider strategies for improved experience of daily life, whilst discussing the application of evidence base through robust clinical reasoning.

Learning outcomes

  • Review of what is meant by ‘sensory processing’ and how information is interpreted 
  • Reflect on bathing as a sensory experience
  • Consider the evidence base and apply to models of sensory processing
  • Discuss strategies for those who seek or avoid sensation in everyday life
  • Reflect on strategies for an improved bather experience